Garden Design Bovil Rd SE23

The contemporary ethos punctuated with traditional period stylisation of this SE23 front garden design.
Rendered and painted boundary walls brings a fresh lift to this period Victorian house and offer great back drop and for ground to vibrant green planting.
The Victorian styled tiling’s pais Homage to the architecture and gives a great visual treat and focus upon entering. Timeless Black basalt paving giving a peaceful neutrality to the space picks up well and sympathetic to the Victorian tiling. The mid grey makes the soft red brick of house really come out , making the whole frontage come alive , while it mottled flame textured patina retaining interest. I do like this stone tile, it’s so versatile ( pardon the part pun! ) The clay pots from the wonderful Atelier Vierkant raise the bar in any garden space, beutifull earthy tones.